
Viswanathan Anand starts with victory in the NC World Masters

Sparkassen Chess Trophy with spectacular second day

The first game in the NC World Masters of the 48th International Dortmund Chess Days was opened by the Chairman of the Board of Sparkasse Dortmund under the eyes of Mayor Norbert Schilff for the 15th World Chess Champion Vishy Anand against the 14th World Chess Champion Vladimir Kramnik.

Deutschland Grand Prix off to a fighting start

EröffnungszugFridman and Kollars start with victories

The first round in the ten-strong field of grandmasters in the Deutschland Grand Prix and the two Sportland NRW Cups started on Tuesday with the opening move by Stefan Koth, who led the tournament for 20 years as tournament director and now works as managing director of the "Initiative Pro Schach" in the event team. The opening move was made at the board by the two youngest grandmasters: 16-year-old Vincent Keymer led the white pieces against German Dmitrij Kollars. The two played a combative game, which Kollars won in beautiful style with a king's attack after a changeable middlegame.

The local hero Daniel Fridman, who lives in Bochum, had a perfect start. With the black pieces, the opening phase already went his way and in the middlegame he was able to collect some pawns from Mateusz Bartel. So the endgame was then an easy exercise for the long-time national player and he led it to victory without any problems.

GM Alexander Bagrationi wins second preliminary round

Alexander BagrationiSecond preliminary round of the Sparkassen Online Open also with top-class players

In the afternoon, the 48th International Dortmund Chess Days offered the second chance to play their way into the final of the Sparkassen Online Open. 104 players tried their hand at "No Castling" chess and once again there was a grandmaster in the field: Alexander Bagrationi, who plays under the Israeli flag but has been living in Dortmund for 2 years. He took the chance to participate at least online in the Sparkassen Chess Trophy. He played a strong tournament and coped very well with the new mode without castling.

After five rounds he was in the lead together with Aaron Matthes from the Oranienburg Chess Club and it came to a direct duel. In this game, both brought their king to safety on the kingside. Bagrationi then discovered a wonderful tactic with the black pieces in the following position:

Amir Ali Ghafourian wins first preliminary round

Amil GhafourianGM Krishnan Sasikiran relegated to 2nd place in the first preliminary round of the Sparkassen Online Open

On Saturday at 2pm sharp the first tournament of this year's Sparkassen Chess Trophy started. The preliminary round in the Sparkassen Online Open on Rapid chess games were played in the innovative variant "No Castling Chess". In the course of the tournament, you could tell that the fun in this dynamic game grew from game to game and 112 participants had a lively afternoon. One grandmaster took the chance to be part of the 48th International Dortmund Chess Days and participated under the nickname "g3God": Grandmaster Krishnan Sasikiran from India, current Elo 2647. Thus the favourite among the 112 participants was clear. 

At the head of the field, Sasikiran won the first five of the seven rounds in the Swiss system. But the "RebelJohnny", Amir Ali Ghafourian from Iran, was able to keep up and was also at 5/5, so that the preliminary decision would come in the sixth round. The Iranian had White and in the middlegame chose the approach of moving his king to g1, while the grandmaster with Black left his king in the centre and relied on piece play. Around move 20, Sasikiran surprised his 21-year-old opponent and won two pawns, so everything looked like a win for the favourite. But in chess without castling the kings are never quite so safe, that could be observed all afternoon. And so Sasikiran made a gross mishap, Ghafourian took both rooks from him and won the game! Here you can find the complete game for replay: