
Press release

Due to isolated requests in connection with the participation of Russian nationals in the 49th International Dortmund Chess Days, IPS e.V. as the organiser comments as follows:

1. Chess players with Russian or Belarusian nationality are entitled to participate in the already announced open tournaments and the planned online open in NC format under the guidelines set by the world chess federation FIDE. Within this framework and according to the currently valid guidelines of the world federation, they do not compete for Russia, but under a neutral flag.

2. The same applies to the participation of Belarusians and Russians in the closed tournaments NC World Masters, Deutschland Grand Prix as well as the NRW Youth Cups (boys and girls), which are also held according to the corresponding guidelines of the world federation.

IPS e.V. as organiser will fulfil existing contracts and agreements in accordance with the FIDE specifications. With regard to other sports and their practice, we agree with the opinion of the largest German professional leagues DFL, HBL, DEL and VBL.

Dortmund, 16 March 2022

IPS e.V.

The executive board